
Upon a specific subscription, it is possible to set up different login accounts for the same plant, establishing what they can do according to their role.
E.g. receptionists can only check in guests, hotel managers can create pass cards for staff.

Login management for different users

As a first step, it is necessary to upgrade the main login account from the classic AuthentiCard + PIN login to the securer Username + Password login. For details, check the help page for Account with username and password.

The first user created in such way, by default will have administrative privileges.
In fact, there are 2 main profiles for a user:

  • “Administrator” is a user with full permissions who can also create/edit/delete other users;
  • “Non administrator”, is a user with limited and configurable permissions and never allowed to edit other users.

For security reasons, no user can change its own permissions and profile.

Additional users

To add a new login account, you must be logged in the plant with an administrator user, click on tab “Other” and then on button “Login management”.

Administrator users will find a button “Add user”. Click on "Add user" to start a process similar to the creation of the first user.

The following data must be defined for the new account:

  1. username;
  2. email;
  3. name and surname;
  4. profile and permissions;

The profile is defined by choosing if the account is "Administrator" or not. In case not, permissions shall be defined for each functionallity, “selecting” one by one the different options.

The username and the email shall be unique and not used in any other plant for any active user.

Click on “Confirm” to create the user, “Cancel” to leave this page without creating the user. When you click on Confirm and username and email are unique, a welcome email will be sent automatically, with a confirmation link that shall be used to validate the email address and to create the login password for the new account. The link will expire in 12 hours; if it is not used before expiry, the email shall be re-sent. Until the email is not validated the new login account will not be activated.

To re-send the email, you must login with an active administrator user, click on tab “Other”, and then click on button “Login management”. In the table which lists the accounts, if an account has not yet been activated because the email has not been validated you will find the button “Re-send email”. Click on this button and a new welcome email will be sent to the specified address with a new link that will expire in 12 hours.

If you entered a wrong email address (and therefore the user could not validate the email), you will be able to edit the email address starting from the same Login management page, where the accounts are listed.
Click on the username, and the user data are displayed, with the possibility to change the email.

Click on “Confirm” to close this page and save the new email address, or “Cancel” if you do not want to save changes. After having edited and saved changes with “Confirm”, click on “Re-send email” to re-send the email to the new address.

User editing and deleting

A user with Administrator profile can change other users’ profile/permissions and can also delete other users.

Login with an active Administrator user, click on “Other” tab, and click on the button “Login management”. A table displays the list of the current login accounts, their username, email, list of permissions, name and surname and status.

You can click a “bin” icon to delete the user. A confirmation message will prevent you from deleting a user by mistake. A deleted user will not be allowed to login.

You can click on the username link to enter the page where you can change the permissions and the profile. This page is the same used to create the new user, but the username and email fields are read-only. Click on “Confirm” to save the new configuration.

Please notice that the new permissions will be allowed (or restricted) only after a new login of the user: if the user is logged in and you change permissions he will need to log out and login again before changes are applied to his account.

Password and email changes

For security reason, any active user is the only one responsible for managing his email and his password. The email is displayed in the login management table, while the password is encrypted and cannot be displayed to anyone.

Instructions for changing email and changing or resetting password can be found in the help page for the Account with username and password.

User permissions

A panel with multiple check boxes allows to select the permissions. In order to facilitate choices, the permissions are grouped by category (Keys, Devices, Other).


Read cards
Select to allow the user to read a card.
Block cards
Select to allow the user to create service cards to block a card.
Write Staff cards
Select to allow the user to program a user/staff card (the only type of cards managed by the basic version of AERO - without AERO X subscription).
Write Guest cards
Select to allow the user to program a “Guest” card (only if you have AERO X subscription).


Select to allow the user to create service cards to synchronize any lock device.
Read events
Select to allow the user to access the “History” tab, where you can program and read service cards that download events from the locks, and you can read the events.
Select to allow the user to create service cards to initialize a lock.
Select to allow the user to create service cards to reset a lock.
Change batteries
Select to allow the user to create service cards to change the batteries of the e-cylinder.
Select to allow the user to create service cards to mount or dismount an e-cylinder from the door.


Add doors
Select to allow the user to add new doors to the plant.
Edit doors
Select to allow the user to edit the configuration of existing doors in the plant.
Change PIN
Select to allow the user to change the PIN associated with the AuthentiCard of the plant.
Edit Areas and
Select to allow the user to add, remove, modify the areas in which the doors of the plant can be partitioned and grouped.
Edit Time settings
Select to allow the user to change the default checkout time for guests (AERO X), the Time-zone and the Daylight-Saving configuration of the plant.
Access user db
Select to allow the user to access the database of the persons to whom the user/staff cards are assigned.
Configure PMS
Select to allow the user to enter the configuration page of the interface with the PMS (Property Management System).
CISA Reader App
Select to allow the user to enter the configuration page of the CISA Reader App.