Have you already created a card and you just need to store the name of the person to whom you have assigned the card, without changing the programming? Would you like to assign the card to another person?
Click on Keys tab.
If you hold the card in your hand, but any code is marked on it and you can not identify the card in the key list, then Read the card.
If you can identify the card (for example because it is marked with a code), search it in the list and clic on the proper line.
To search a new card:
It opens the Key info window. Click on Assign card button.
It starts a wizard. Select the person's name from the User list
If you have so many people on the list, you can narrow the search by typing part of the name.
If the person is not in the list, you can add it by clicking on + button.
When you are done, click on Next.
A Summary is displayed. To finish click on End.